Three TED and TEDx Talks worth listening to - June
Here are three TED talks that I listened to and learned from recently. Enjoy!
How to Tame Your Advice Monster
At TEDxUniversityofNevada, Michael Bungay Stainer spoke about our natural tendencies to give advice - often, bad advice. He explains the problems with our AGH (Advice Giving Habit) and how we can take control to become better listeners - making us better friends, colleagues and leaders. In doing so, we’ll also give more useful and practical advice, when it’s needed.
How We Can Face the Future Without Fear, Together
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, former Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth is one of my favourite speakers and intellectuals. As well as being a Rabbi and a member of the House of Lords, he studied Philosophy at Cambridge and then Oxford and holds a PhD from the University of London.
In this 2017 TED talk, Rabbi Lord Sacks combines, theology, philosophy, sociology and more to talk about how we must move from the individual “I/me” to the collective “we/us”, in three dimensions - relationship, identity and responsibility.
This profound talk is not about business or leadership directly - but it should provoke every leader to stop and think.
Looking for a job? Highlight your ability, not your experience
Coming it at just 6.5 minutes, this TED talk by Jason Shen begins by addressing a phenomenon we’re all familiar with - how few people work in the field they studied at University.
This TED talk should change the way we think about recruitment and job-hunting. So whether you’re a hiring manager, business leader or you’re searching for your next opportunity, have a listen and think how this can be applied to your case.
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